2. In the /sass/main.scss file, comment out the style you do not need (you have to keep variables and helpers);
3. In the /sass/variables.scss file, change the variables to your own design such as color, font size, border radius, etc.
4. Install SASS and compile /sass/main.scss into style.css
5. Enjoy your style!
Background Color
Text Color
h1 : Heading 1
h2 : Heading 2
h3 : Heading 3
h4 : Heading 4
h5 : Heading 5
h6 : Heading 6
p .txt-s : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae culpa eaque adipisci in nam necessitatibus voluptates repellendus asperiores quas dolores blanditiis vitae laudantium, nesciunt saepe nobis architecto distinctio harum molestiae!
p .txt-m : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae culpa eaque adipisci in nam necessitatibus voluptates repellendus asperiores
p .txt-l : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae culpa eaque
Grid System
* Note1: add .clear-float if you want to start with a new line.
* Note2: you can nest the grid system and get more column types.
.col-1of3 .push-1of3
.col-1of3 .push-2of3
.col-1of4 .push-1of4
.col-1of4 .push-1of2
.col-1of4 .push-3of4
.col-1of5 .push-1of5
.col-1of5 .push-2of5
.col-1of5 .push-3of5
.col-1of5 .push-4of5
.col-1of7 .push-1of7
.col-1of7 .push-2of7
.col-1of7 .push-3of7
.col-1of7 .push-4of7
.col-1of7 .push-5of7
.col-1of7 .push-6of7
Position Helpers
.clear-margin .margin-l2
.clear-margin .margin-r2
.clear-margin .margin-t2
.clear-margin .margin-b2
.clear-padding .margin-1
.clear-margin .padding-1
.margin-1 .padding-1
Note: please include "scripts/toggle.js" at the end of your body tag.