

Background Color

Text Color


Grid System

Position Helpers




Open Style Documentation version 1.2

GitHub Source Download CSS


CSS version

1. Download the normalize.css, put it in your /css folder and reference in your html:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/normalize.css">

2. Download the all-in-one css version, put it in your /css folder and reference in your html:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css">
SASS version

1. Go to the github repository and download the source code;

2. In the /sass/main.scss file, comment out the style you do not need (you have to keep variables and helpers);

3. In the /sass/variables.scss file, change the variables to your own design such as color, font size, border radius, etc.

4. Install SASS and compile /sass/main.scss into style.css

5. Enjoy your style!

Background Color


Text Color



h1 : Heading 1

h2 : Heading 2

h3 : Heading 3

h4 : Heading 4

h5 : Heading 5
h6 : Heading 6






p .txt-s : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae culpa eaque adipisci in nam necessitatibus voluptates repellendus asperiores quas dolores blanditiis vitae laudantium, nesciunt saepe nobis architecto distinctio harum molestiae!

p .txt-m : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae culpa eaque adipisci in nam necessitatibus voluptates repellendus asperiores

p .txt-l : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae culpa eaque

Grid System

* Note1: add .clear-float if you want to start with a new line.

* Note2: you can nest the grid system and get more column types.

.col-1of3 .push-1of3
.col-1of3 .push-2of3
.col-1of4 .push-1of4
.col-1of4 .push-1of2
.col-1of4 .push-3of4
.col-1of5 .push-1of5
.col-1of5 .push-2of5
.col-1of5 .push-3of5
.col-1of5 .push-4of5
.col-1of7 .push-1of7
.col-1of7 .push-2of7
.col-1of7 .push-3of7
.col-1of7 .push-4of7
.col-1of7 .push-5of7
.col-1of7 .push-6of7

Position Helpers




.clear-margin .margin-l2

.clear-margin .margin-r2

.clear-margin .margin-t2

.clear-margin .margin-b2

.clear-padding .margin-1

.clear-margin .padding-1

.margin-1 .padding-1


Note: please include "scripts/toggle.js" at the end of your body tag.


Code without extra class

<input type="text" value="input">

Use .square for hard corners

<input class="square" type="text" value="input .square">

Text area is easy too

<textarea cols="45" rows="5"></textarea>

Use .square for hard corners

<textarea class="square" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea>


  • ul.list > li
  • ul.list > li
  • ul.list >






            <div class="full-width height-20 bg-img margin-t1">
              <div class="cover">
                <div class="center-v">
                  <h1 class="white-txt">Hello Hackers!</h1>


            <div class="full-width height-40 bg-video">
              <video autoplay loop muted poster="images/bg.jpg" id="bgvid">
                <source src="videos/bg.webm" type="video/webm">
                <source src="videos/bg.mp4" type="video/mp4">
                <source src="videos/bg.ogv" type="video/ogg">
              <div class="cover">
                <div class="center-v">
                  <h1 class="white-txt">Hello Hackers!</h1>


.flash .flash-pri
.flash .flash-sec
.flash .flash-ter

Flash with close button: please include "scripts/flash.js" at the end of your body tag.

<div class="flash flash-pri margin-b1"> <button class="close" onclick="close_flash()"></button> </div>










<div class="info-box">
  <img class="icon-m" src="images/question.png">
  <div class="box">
    <p>Hello Hackers!</p>


  • A
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • B
    • a
    • b
    • c
    • d
  • C
    • 1
    • 2

.crs (carousel)

Note: please include "scripts/carousel.js" at the end of your body tag.

<div class="crs">
  <div class="crs-img">
    <img src="images/img1.jpg">
  <div class="crs-img">
    <img src="images/img2.jpg">
  <div class="crs-img">
    <img src="images/img3.jpg">
  <button class="left" onclick="slide_left(1)"><</button>
  <button class="right" onclick="slide_right(1)">></button>
<div class="crs-thumb">
    <img class="thumb active" onclick="select_image(this, 0)" src="images/img1.jpg">
    <img class="thumb" onclick="select_image(this, 1)" src="images/img2.jpg">
    <img class="thumb" onclick="select_image(this, 2)" src="images/img3.jpg">
    <div class="clear-float"></div>


Note: please include "scripts/modal.js" at the end of your body tag.

Created by Yan Hong, 2015